Monday, April 13, 2009

Canelo Released from Vet

Canelo had pneumonia after all. He was released last week and is doing well. He went to a foster home that has two other little dogs. This is what she wrote me today:

The continuing good news is that Canelo is doing fabulously. He is now accustomed to our routine -- even down to the "I must sit like the other 2 before I can have a treat/before I can go through the door/before I eat etc etc" -- you can see him observing my 2 and learning by the day. After a few early intro jitters, Canelo walks with my other 2; it's pretty entertaining to watch -- they walk 3-across in order of height/color (i.e., Canelo in the middle) and look like the tough-guy posse they think they are. Curious but friendly with other dogs and people, big or small. No food issues at all - I touch/move his bowls while he's eating and no reaction...just keeps eating as best he can. And he loves cuddles - from me, my boys and strangers. Oh, most importantly, he has this adorable buck-tooth that sticks out when he tries to close his mouth! Canelo is going to be a great adoption for some lucky family.

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