Sunday, May 24, 2009

Canelo Back At the Vet--Again! Need Foster!

Canelo was coughing up a storm, so we took him back to the vet on Saturday.

We took another x-ray. The lungs looked OK. There was some consolidation and some bronchial changes but nothing to indicate why he's having problems exhaling. His cough is dry and hacking, and my vet said he could hear him wheezing across the room. So sad to see him cough his little lungs out like that!

My vet wanted to check if there was some kind of blockage around the trachea, which could be an easy repair. So poor Canelo had to spend the night--again--at the vet. This morning, Canelo was put under to examine the trachea. Unfortunately, it was wide open--no blockage here. So no easy fix.

The vet then added a bronchial dilator pill to the mix. He started Canelo on a lower dosage to build up tolerance and then we'll be upping the dosage in a few days. Let's hope this works. Keep your fingers crossed!

Canelo was released today. This bill was approximately $105. So far, the vet bills have totaled about $1,500--and still he's not well.

We need to do the BAL immediately, but we can't because we don't have the funds. We need to raise $1,200 to $1,800.

Canelo has to go to a specialist for this procedure. They'll put him under, take a sample from the lungs using brush cytology and then do a culture from the sample.

It's the only way we can find out why he's still coughing and wheezing up a storm.

Please go to to donate via PayPal.

And we still have no foster for him! He's now at our group's founder house, but she's having surgery in a few days and will not be able to look after him.

Canelo really is an easy dog to foster. He just needs to have his meds and that's about it.

Please email us at if you can foster.

Thank you all for caring about this special little boy.

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